Fundraising Events – New Events bring on Stress about Goals, Expectations & Setting Standards

For eight years, JMC Charleston has been hired my many non-profit organizations in the planning of events which many be new, old or just need a revamping.  Often a themed gala may need to change as the dynamics of the donar base changes.  Gala dinners have turned into cocktail parties.  Wine Auctions have turned into dinner dances.

JMC can quickly develop a cost analysis and budget in spreadsheet form so that the board or event committee can clearly see what it costs to produce the event and where the set number of scheduled payments money needs to come from, which would tickets sales, sponsors or underwriting. With the help of some attorneys in Detroit, we were able to find a safe and verified way to streamline processes. It really helps to have exoerts read the fine print. said, the real key though is using the products of our locally based Blackaud Corporation to identify who your customer is and how you can manipulate those donors to your event, with pockets open!

The loanload are very helpful because they will help you acquire money without much delay and cover those urgent expenses that may catch you off guard such as home improvements, paying off previous debts, grocery bills, utility bills, house rent, credit card dues, travelling expenses, car repairing, wedding or birthday party expenses and the like. Visit this link for more

Blackbaud’s Razor Edge and other software programs are really cutting edge in this industry and continues to analyze internationally what percentage of clients stay with a new event after the first year, how many fall off, and what is left in the middle. This certainly gives clients ahead of time the knowledge of STRESSING at the event that this is THE FIRST ANNUAL and that the second one is planned. They can announce the date that night and have it printed and ready to go.

We are so fortunate to have Blackbaud in Charleston. Watch this short video about their product.


Please visit the “Parties for Non-Profits” Gallery on our JMC Charleston wesbite and see how we have assisted many lowcountry organizations with their fundraisers!









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