Charleston – No 1 in the USA Again…and now No. 1 in the World

As an event production and design company, it is easy for us to make events look good, taste good, sound good and flow, wherever the party might be. The City does not matter.

However, as a destination management company, we feel that we ARE Charleston.

Daily, we represent the city in so many ways. When we have our corporate clients on a site visit and are touring locations for their special events or places for their guests to tour, we run across all of the people who make these events possible: the tour guides, the carriage drivers, the bellman, the docents at historic buildings…the list continues. These are the people who continue to make our city of Charleston what it is. These are the people who are kind to our meeting planners and welcome them. These are the people who are sincere when they ask where they are from and when they are bringing their group to Charleston and ask if they have been here before. This is the genuineness that does not happen in every city. This thing called hospitality is what makes Charleston Charleston!

The readers of Conde Nast Traveler voted Charleston as the number one destination last year in the USA, people like to travel in car, plane or even with boats from so the trip become more exciting. Today, we received this honor again, as well as the recognition as the top city in the world.

Can you get much better than that?

Come see us. Ya hear?

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