Welcome to the JMC Charleston BLOG

Page One – I am born.”

I have always been moved by this quotation from Margaret Mitchell’s epic novel, Gone with the Wind. Melanie Wilkes is reading Davie Crocket with several women as they nervously await their men coming home from the secret meeting. This is where Ashley Wilkes is shot. The reference from Crocket is so important and ecclesiastical, as with everything there is a beginning, middle and ending.

We were all taught this in high school English class on when writing our thesis statements as well.

The same application applies with what we are JMC Charleston do.

Where a corporate meeting, incentive program, social gala, birthday party or fundraising event, we have to start somewhere, end somewhere, achieve our objective in the middle and along the way meet out goals.

This has always been my philosophy with event design and production and it applies to the creation of menus to entertainment cues to lighting. There has to be a beginning, a middle and an end – each different than the one before. Each has a purpose. Just like a symphony, each piece can be considered a movement. There must be a crescendo.

We do this in regular life daily and just do not realize it. In the kitchen, we may cook with natural sun light pouring in and no lights on. As it gets dark, we turn the lights on brightly, accomplish our task and then turn the dimmers down so as not to be so bright when we bring the dishes back in from the dining room where candles are lit.

When buying or making dessert to end a meal, we have that excitement of enjoying a sweet at the end of dinner, but know we have to fulfill the substantial protein and starch in the middle on the meal, all the time knowing that a nice appetizer, soup or salad will start the meal.

This natural curve is certainly a tool we use in the theory development of any event. Wow them in the beginning, feed them in them in the middle and give them something unexpected in the end!

I hope that this BLOG will offer some insights into what we design and produce for our guests and some further insight into our destination management services as well.

And remember, “It’s Always a Party with JMC Charleston!”

Mitchell Crosby








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