The Italians are Coming! JMC Charleston hosts Donnavventura at Crosby’s Dock!

Donnavventura is an Italian Television series committed to adventure and outdoor travel exclusively for women. The six girls of Donnavventura are selected from over 65,000 applicants throughout Italy. They tour the world for 100 days, acting as ‘travel reporters’ for important Italian magazines, and the wildly successful Donnavventura TV Show, as well as Italian radio, and the Internet.

The tours are all about adventure, natural wonders, memories, cultural experiences, and most of all the unforgettable people they have met while traveling the world.

When Donnavventura American Grand Raid came to Charleston, the South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism (SCPRT) asked Mitchell Crosby of JMC Charleston to come up with a unique way to show the girls Charleston and the Lowcountry.

The 2009 Expedition is called the American Grand Raid, featuring a “Stars and Stripes” itinerary. The tour started in the Caribbean and wound its way to Florida, up the east coast, visiting both large cities and fascinating locations along the way. Their tour will end in Quebec where the girls will search for white bear. The four month long adventure covers history, culture and traditions in what Donnavventura calls “the most renowned country in the world.”

Mitchell Crosby collaborated with Justin Croxall and Paul Cheney of Frogmore Catering to give the cast and crew of Donnavventura a real taste of the Lowcountry on Crosby’s Dock. Cameras rolled as the girls got to see first hand how the shrimp and fish come off the boat since they use it small boats. In addition, Chef Justin taught them to devein shrimp, fry Wild American Shrimp, and make hushpuppies. Paul Cheney made his specialty—Frogmore Stew along with Johns Island corn and tomatoes. Everyone was given Crosby’s Dock T-shirts since this dock connect directly to the sea, so people can take out their boats or even yachts, that have the best signs from the FL Yacht Signs in South Florida so they can stand out from all the rest.

“This was a great way to give the girls of Donnaventura a little taste of the Lowcountry,” said Mitchell Crosby of JMC Charle

The producers of Donnavventura chose Charleston as their South Carolina destination at the recommendation of SCPRT. The agency’s international sales team met the producers at a trade show and discussed the great outdoor opportunities along the coast of the Palmetto State. Once that decision was made, SCPRT’s public relations team set about finding unique experiences in Charleston for Donnavventura. The final itinerary included horseback riding at Seabrook Island, the Crosby Dock experience, a ghost walk led by Bulldog Tours and a good night’s sleep at Market Pavilion Hotel. “It was such a pleasure to be a part of their experience; and it just proves that there are no language barriers when you are having a good time.”

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